Union of Health and
2781 Lancaster Road, Suite 400
Ottawa, Ontario K1B 1A7
T. 1(613) 731-5533
F.(613) 526-5537

Allocation of Service Officers’ Portfolios

Please be advised that as of April 1st, the following changes will be implemented regarding allocation of Service Officers’ Portfolios.


This change will allow the Service Officers to be engaged with members’ issues and with the policies, actions and activities of all departments and agencies represented by UHEW which result in the ability for each of the Service officers to more easily and more comfortably interact with all departments and agencies on all issues.


The allocation will also maximize office coverage based on the Service Officers’ hours of work in order to cover the various time zones across Canada.


  1. Pacific / Alberta / Saskatchewan, Manitoba and the North – Stephen Vanneste –  613 736 5533 ext. 230
  2. Ontario / NCR – Luc Paquette – 613 736 5533 ext. 229
  3. Quebec, New Brunswick, PEI, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland/Labrador – Mark Hockley 613 237 2732 ext. 224


Should you have any comments or observations please feel free to communicate with the National office.


Contact us today with any questions, comments or concerns for UHEW-STSE, We look forward to hearing from you

Documents and tools

Check out our complete section of documents and tools available to UHEW-STSE members here.

Resources for Locals

Documents union leaders need to run their local

UHEW Contact Center

Contact Stakeholders and UHEW Members using our easy to use contact center


this section has all the latest updates, news and event information from UHEW-STSE.

UMCC Minutes

The purpose of Union-Management Consultation Committees is to provide a forum for the exchange of information between management and agents.