In August of 2017 the Government of Canada announced that Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada would be restructured into two new Departments, Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada and Indigenous Services Canada. As part of this restructuring the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch and related health-focused units were to be moved into the Indigenous Services Canada departmental structure.
Many members of the Union of Health and Environment Workers (UHEW) and the Union of National Employees (UNE) have been directly impacted by these changes and are concerned about the status of their union representation in this new structure.
UHEW and UNE are working together in a coordinated effort to minimize the impact of these changes on their members and have mutually re-affirmed that each Component continues to represent its existing members at all levels throughout this transition.
There is therefore no change to Component representation as a result of the creation of these two new Departments.
Members with any concerns or questions should contact their respective Component using the following contact information:
Union of Health and Environment Workers
Union of National Employees
Thank you,
Todd Panas National President, UHEW | Kevin King National President, UNE |