Union of Health and
2781 Lancaster Road, Suite 400
Ottawa, Ontario K1B 1A7
T. 1(613) 731-5533
F.(613) 526-5537

Treasury Board Bargaining: conferences sets teams, priorities

Delegates to PSAC’s 2021 Treasury Board Bargaining Conference set priorities and elected negotiating teams last week for the next round of bargaining. The teams — one for each of four groups, EB, PA, SV and TC — include seven UHEW members:

EB group

  • Francesco A Lai

PA group

  • Samantha Basha

TC group

  • Justin Cooke
  • Richard Dollimount


  • Peter Butler
  • Kevin Lundstrom
  • Jason MacLaurin

For a complete list of team members and the bargaining priorities, visit the PSAC Treasury Board Bargaining page.


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