Union of Health and
2781 Lancaster Road, Suite 400
Ottawa, Ontario K1B 1A7
T. 1(613) 731-5533
F.(613) 526-5537

National Indigenous Peoples Day: may this one be a turning point

National Inidigenous Peoples DayAlong with and in support of Indigenous People, UHEW is seeking, this June 21, action to align with the pretty words the federal government has uttered in support of Indigenous struggles for justice.

We seek it because:

We understand that for Indigenous People, the discovery of the mass grave at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School are an affirmation, rather than a revelation. Nevertheless we see in the display of this genocidal horror the power to stir even the most shiftless cabinet minister — minsters who departing MP Mumilaaq Qaqqaq said would never consider putting themselves in her place — to act.

We seek justice for Indigenous people because we know, as Mumilaaq Qaqqaq told parliament:

People in power have choices, and they consistently choose priorities that uphold systems of oppression, leaving babies sick in moldy homes, parents missing their passed-on children, because these powerful individuals don’t think change is worth the money.

If you seek these changes too, PSAC is holding a webinar June 23 on how we can work as allies with Indigenous Peoples. The panel will discuss how allies can best support decolonization and sovereignty for Indigenous Peoples. Register here.


Contact us today with any questions, comments or concerns for UHEW-STSE, We look forward to hearing from you

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