Union of Health and
2781 Lancaster Road, Suite 400
Ottawa, Ontario K1B 1A7
T. 1(613) 731-5533
F.(613) 526-5537

Time for a little respect


The recent actions by Treasury Board to change the working from home mandate and order employees to report for work in the office three days per week came as a surprise and a shock to all of us. It showed a level of disrespect for employees and their union representatives that we neither earned nor deserved. It is completely understandable that UHEW members are upset, anxious and worried about their future. You have organized your work, your lives and your family responsibilities based on information and facts that have shifted beneath you.

This hasty and ill-thought out decision was taken without any discussion, dialogue or input from employees or their union. It was arrogant and shows a level of respect that is jaw-dropping, even for this employer. It also wipes out any shred of credibility that they may have had when it comes to caring for their employees’ well-being or commitment to work-life balance.

Together with the Public Service Alliance of Canada and other federal bargaining agents we will be fighting back against this unliteral and unfair action. And I have already written to all our Deputy Heads to express our disappointment that once again, union members are left feeling anxious and uncertain while their unions are kept in the dark.

I invite you to join the efforts to reverse this decision by visiting the PSAC website and clicking on the Telework that works for workers link. There you will find actions you can take like writing your MP and TB President Anita Anand and taking a survey to share your experience. This fight will continue until we find some common sense and common ground on this issue.

It seems a long way from the days when UHEW front line workers were being called heroes and publicly thanked for their efforts during the long COVID years. That gratitude seems to have evaporated and now they feel that they can treat us with disdain and disrespect. They may have made a terrible mistake on that front. Let’s hope that they come to their senses and start showing their employees and their Union a little more respect.

As always, we’d love to hear from you. Drop me a line at the e-mail below.

Help us build UHEW together!!

In solidarity

Shimen Fayad


Contact us today with any questions, comments or concerns for UHEW-STSE, We look forward to hearing from you

Documents and tools

Check out our complete section of documents and tools available to UHEW-STSE members here.

Resources for Locals

Documents union leaders need to run their local

UHEW Contact Center

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this section has all the latest updates, news and event information from UHEW-STSE.

UMCC Minutes

The purpose of Union-Management Consultation Committees is to provide a forum for the exchange of information between management and agents.