Finally, the weather has improved, and we can all forward to getting a break after what seemed like an endless winter and very slow Spring. The last big event for the Union calendar this season was the PSAC National Triennial Convention that was held in Ottawa May 26 to 31.
Delegates and observers and guests from UHEW participated in debates and discussions that will guide PSAC for the next three years. One highlight that took place while the Convention was underway was a giant protest that focused on making sure that health care was a major issue in the next federal election. PSAC was joined in this demonstration by the National Federation of Nurses Union and Service Employees International Union – Health Care.
There were debates and resolutions that supported the fight for telework, national campaigns to oppose the privatization of Canada’s public health care and to fight for affordable child care for precarious workers. In addition, the Convention passed resolutions to strengthen PSAC’s efforts on diversity, inclusion and human rights, calling for a national campaign to pressure governments to search for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit people in Canada, and a national campaign to combat environmental racism.
Another Convention highlight was the election of new National Officers to guide PSAC through the many challenges facing our membership. Delegates elected Sharon DeSousa as National President and Alex Silas as National Executive Vice-President (NEVP). DeSousa is the first racialized national president in PSAC’s history. She previously served as PSAC Ontario’s Regional Executive Vice-President from 2011 to 2020 and as PSAC’s National Executive Vice-President from 2020 to 2024.
I hope that you will find the time to sit and relax and enjoy yourself and those close to you during the summer months. Self-care is crucial if we are going to continue to fight on behalf of UHEW members and those in society who are counting on our support. Get a break and come back refreshed and re-energized for the work ahead. See you in September.
As always, we’d love to hear from you. Drop me a line at the e-mail below.
Help us build UHEW together!!
In solidarity
Shimen Fayad