Union of Health and
2781 Lancaster Road, Suite 400
Ottawa, Ontario K1B 1A7
T. 1(613) 731-5533
F.(613) 526-5537


Respect Us – Reclassify Us

For years the Fishery Officers have more than justified to DFO Management and to Treasury Board the fact they are not properly classified in respect of the modern essence of their work. Recent actions by management have further alienated this group of people who serve Canadians by enforcing the commercial, recreational and habitat federal legislations that are designed to protect our fishery resources and our fishery related industries, communities and economic engine, for the future generations of Canadians.

The fight for proper classification has been ongoing for more than 25 years, including through the UCS exercise when it was made clear the Fishery Officers were severely under classified and underpaid. The current GT Classification Standard was written in 1969 and bears no meaningful resemblance to the work being currently done by the Fishery Officers



Contact us today with any questions, comments or concerns for UHEW-STSE, We look forward to hearing from you

Documents and tools

Check out our complete section of documents and tools available to UHEW-STSE members here.

Resources for Locals

Documents union leaders need to run their local

UHEW Contact Center

Contact Stakeholders and UHEW Members using our easy to use contact center


this section has all the latest updates, news and event information from UHEW-STSE.

UMCC Minutes

The purpose of Union-Management Consultation Committees is to provide a forum for the exchange of information between management and agents.