Representing Fisheries and Oceans members in St. Andrews/Fredericton area and the St. Andrews Biological StationPresident Alison Short Vice President Steve Neil Secretary/Treasurer Julie Lefrancois Local Women's Committee Representative Micheline Royal Local Human Rights Representative Chris Stairs Local Young Workers Representative vacant Stewards Chief Shop Steward Lynn Collier Shop Steward Dean Pelletier Health & Safety Rep Cynthia Davis Health & Safety Rep Steve Neil Health & Safety Rep Marc Blanchard
Representing Fisheries and Oceans Canada members in Nova-Scotia (except the Bedford Institute of OceanographyPresident Jacob Schofield Vice President Adam Tapper Secretary Melanie Sutherland Treasurer Kitana Chesley Chief Shop Steward – Central NS Liam Beaton Chief Shop Steward – South West NS Gerard MacKinnon Chief Shop Steward - Eastern NS Warren Pictou
Representing Fisheries and Oceans Canada members at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography (Dartmouth)
President | Sharon Young |
Vice President | Lorri Mackey |
Secretary/Treasurer | vacant |
Stewards | |
Olga Trela | |
Jordan Jarvis | |
Maria Legault | |
Chief Shop Steward | Lenora Walters-MacPhee |
Health and Safety Representatives | |
Shawn Roach | |
Human Rights Champion | Lisa Savoie |
Representing all Environment and Climate Change Canada members in Nova Scotia
President | Rhonda Doyle-LeBlanc |
Vice President | Barbie Henneberry |
Secretary | Monica MacKendrick |
Treasurer | Zachary Branscombe |
Health & Safety Reps | |
Rhonda Doyle-LeBlanc | |
Barbie Henneberry | |
Veronica Sherwood | |
Health and Safety Representatives | |
Enforcement | Allison Grant |
MSC | Rhonda Doyle-LeBlanc |
Enforcement | Paul Patterson |
Communications | Ian Hickey |
Enforcement | Cheryl Konoff |